Thursday, December 20, 2012

"mass effect 4" in development!

Ok ok, its not really gonna be called mass effect least I don't think it will. from what I've researched, shepherd will not be the protagonist in this next game. We all have our opinions about the ending of the last installment, mostly VERY negative -p.s. I concur, I think if shepherd were a gamer the ending would've left him sick on the floor of a public bathroom.

but If your still very much invested  in the universe, the culture, the feel, the look, the cinematography, the script, the voice-acting, the general storyline, the gameplay and the characters of the mass effect series, you'll be as excited as I am to see whats next. Personally, I think its too big of an idea to just throw down the tubes after the trilogy is done, theres so much more that they can do with it! anyways, this is a quote from "Last month BioWare confirmed that a completely new “Mass Effect” game was in development. Executive producer of the series Casey Hudson further explained the game’s progress last Friday, posting to Twitter that production is in its early stages. On Monday, even more details about the fourth “Mass Effect” installment have begun to surface." 
If you were to read further you would find out that the next game will be using the same game engine that was the foundation for battlefield 3. There have been numerous quotes from casey hudson and the developer that works under him about the game, so this is not just a rumor, Its being planned and developed as we speak, heres to hoping they get the next ending right!

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